Thursday 17 December 2015

A war on plastics?

If the headline of a recent interview conducted by Bloomberg’s Niclas Rolander with Stora Enso Oyj (Helsinki, Finland) CEO Karl-Henrik Sundstroem is more

Help for Your Leaky Marine Tank


Boats provide hours of fun on the high seas. They also require constant maintenance to run at their peak. If you sail in salt water, you know that the elements take an extra toll on your boat. To keep your boat at top performance, you need to get it maintained by the best.

Your Tank Can Be Repaired

During routine maintenance you may notice a leak in your marine tank. Before you replace it, consider getting it fixed. Repairing your tank can be simpler and more cost effective than getting a new one.

Get a Professional Evaluation

A quality plastic shop can help. Look for one that specializes in plastic tank welding. It will have the professionals and the equipment needed to get you back on the water. The shop can determine what type of tank you have, the extent of the leak and if the damage can be repaired. You understand the special durability needs boating equipment requires – especially boats that go out in salt water. When looking for a plastic welding company, look for one that works with tanks specifically for marine applications.

If you have a leaky tank on your boat, don’t despair. It can be fixed. Visit this website to learn more about plastic tank welding in San Marcos.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Fiber laser integrates with automated load/unload for lights-out production

TRUMPF’s TruLaser 2030 fiber laser offers a 60- by 120-in. working range to process a variety of materials and thicknesses. It is suitable for job shops that run up to three shifts per day, as well as for first-time laser users looking to add laser cutting capabilities to their business…read more

Keep Little Ones Safe With A Pool Enclosure


Owning a pool can be an enjoyable luxury, but if you have children living with you or even just visiting, a pool can suddenly become a dangerous liability. Make sure to protect your family and your children or grandchildren by installing a pool enclosure.

Pool Enclosures Restrict Access

Few things can be more dangerous to children than an unsupervised pool. Pool enclosures can restrict the access to your pool so that only adults can open and unlock the pool area, thus helping to keep your kids,as well as wandering pets or neighborhood children, out of the pool without supervision.

Pool Enclosures Create Privacy

Installing a pool enclosure can help create privacy for your family and friends, so that you can fully enjoy your pool without worrying about who may be watching and observing.

Pool Enclosures Reduce Worries

A pool enclosure can help you rest easy, as you’ll know that little ones are unable to access the pool without your help. You can let the kids run around and play without worrying that they will make their way to the pool on their own.

Not only can pool enclosures mean added safety and security for your home and family, but they can also be beautiful and increase the value of your home as well. Please visit this website to learn more about pool enclosure installation in La Mesa.